Our Services

Tooth Colored Fillings

Resin composite fillings are tooth-colored restorations that are used in place of amalgam (silver) fillings on the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Unlike silver fillings made from metals these cosmetic fillings look extremely natural and typically require that far less of the tooth be removed.


Clear Correct Teeth Straightening

What is ClearCorrect?

ClearCorrect is the clear and simple way to straighten your teeth without wearing braces so you can show off your smile!

Looking for an alternative to braces? ClearCorrect is the clear and simple choice. No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort - every reason to smile.

ClearCorrect can straighten your teeth using a
series of clear, custom, removable aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at
a time until you eventually get straight teeth.

With the results and convenience ClearCorrect offers and the advantages it has over other treatment options, it's an easy decision. With ClearCorrect you can get the obvious benefits and confidence you'll enjoy with straight teeth so you too can show off your smile.


Quick Denture Repair

We use the most advanced techniques that allow you to actually see what your smile will look like beforehand. Dentures not only replace teeth and make chewing and eating easier but they can restore your smile and your confidence. There are a number of ways to replace teeth and most require several steps to ensure the best look and fit.


Teeth Whitening

Here at Parkway Dental we use a variety of teeth whitening techniques to get your teeth their whitest and brightest. Our in-home custom teeth whitening kits are easy to use and great results are achieved in only 4 to 6 weeks!


Root Canal Treatment

Our goal at parkway dental is to try and save your natural teeth and avoid extractions. The reason for this is because removing natural teeth leaves gaps which then cause the other teeth to compensate. It can then affect your bite and cause a host of other affiliated problems.

But what happens when a tooth has become infected right in the center? Usually there is no avoiding an extraction, as the pulp is infected. Essentially, this means that the nerves at the heart of the tooth are slowing dying. Not to mention the fact that you will probably also be experiencing quite a bit of pain.

Under these circumstances, most patients want a quick fix – an extraction. While extraction may remove the offending tooth, it is not the best option in the long term. We prefer to try root canal surgery first. This way, the infection can be cleared and the tooth can be kept in place.


Metal Free Crown

Crowns, or caps, are used to restore broken or cracked teeth. The new metal-free crowns eliminate the ugly black line you may have seen next to the gum line on older crowns.

For decades the standard in dentistry for crown and bridge restoration materials has been the PFM (porcelain-fused-to-metal). The framework for the dental crown was produced in metal and then covered with a porcelain layer.

Now with the evolution of all ceramic materials and their higher esthetic qualities, dental patients have options. Metal free framework beneath the porcelain gives excellent aesthetic qualities to make the final restoration extremely natural looking.


Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more teeth, and wish to eat your favorite foods, increase your chewing ability, and improve your appearance, speech, and self-esteem, then you are a candidate for dental implants. Dr. Simmons use the latest implant technology so you can smile again with confidence.

we thoroughly examine patients' existing teeth and bones, upper and lower jaws and gum tissues before recommending implants. Implants replace the roots of lost teeth and are inserted under the gums. After 3-6 months, the bones grow around and adapt to implants as if they were natural roots. Once the implants are firmly in place and the surrounding gum tissue is strong, they are ready to support a crown or restored tooth. When the process is completed, the "new" teeth are often hard to tell apart from a patient's original teeth.


Dentures & Partials

Dentures come with huge benefits for patients and can greatly improve your quality of life. With today's technology, dentures are created to look natural in appearance and give the impression of a beautiful smile. Additionally, dentures provide support for your facial muscles as well as assist with your ability to chew and eat food, and they also assist with your ability to speak clearly. 

If your teeth have reached the point where you are considering dentures, we invite you to come in for a complimentary consultation. We will do an assessment of your condition and provide you with a list of options tailored to your individual needs.

A partial denture is a removable appliance that replaces missing teeth. It is supported by your existing teeth and fills in those unwanted gaps. It will help to regain the aesthetics and chewing and speaking functions that you require.

Full mouth denture treatments will involve the extraction of any remaining teeth, making impressions to give that perfect, snug fit, and a final fitting appointment. Partial dentures consist of appointments made to examine the health of remaining teeth, taking impressions, and custom fitting the partial appliance.

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Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm







8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm